Jason Blume Archives

Dec 4 2023 The “Power of Hybrids”
Oct 3 2023 10 Ways to Wake Up Your Muse
Sep 11 2023 Are Your Songs “WOW”—or Just “Good?”: A Checklist
Aug 3 2023 It’s Time for an All-New Edition of MusicWorld!
Aug 1 2023 How Many Songs Should You Write?
Jun 12 2023 The #1 Mistake Writers and Artists Make
May 22 2023 The Most Important Part of Persistence
Apr 20 2023 It’s Time for an All-New Edition of MusicWorld!
Apr 20 2023 How to Get Your Music on Playlists: Demystifying the Process
Feb 13 2023 Tips for Writing a Great Story Song
Feb 6 2023 Which Point of View Is Best For Your Song
Jan 26 2023 New Year, New Edition of MusicWorld!
Jan 26 2023 Are Your Songs Hitting the Right Target?
Jan 23 2023 Tips for Re-evaluating the Song You’ve Just Finished
Jan 17 2023 5 Common Lyric Mistakes—and How to Avoid Them
Jan 10 2023 Top Songwriting Tips For 2023
Jan 3 2023 Tips to Cope with Stage Fright
Nov 30 2022 Enjoy a Double Issue of Music World!
Nov 30 2022 How to Stretch Yourself Melodically
Aug 9 2022 What Makes a Song Iconic?
Jun 23 2022 Check Out Our Must-Read Tips in June’s MusicWorld!
Jun 23 2022 How to Write to a Music Track: The Art of Toplining
May 27 2022 Check Out May’s MusicWorld With Must-Read Tips
May 27 2022 What Makes the Perfect Demo?
May 9 2022 How to Create the Perfect Lyric Sheet
Apr 20 2022 What to Say and Do When You Meet a Publisher for the First Time
Mar 25 2022 5 Ways to Make Your Songs More Memorable
Feb 25 2022 Duets and Featured Artists: The Hot Trend in Recordings
Jan 31 2022 Co-Writing in Person vs. Online—the Pros and Cons
Jan 20 2022 “How Hard Would You Work for a Hit?”
Jan 4 2022 The “3 P’s” of Songwriting Success
Nov 19 2021 Top Tips From 2021 That Can Put You on the Road to Songwriting Success in 2022
Nov 9 2021 How to Place Outside Songs
Oct 23 2021 5 Steps to Getting a “YES” from Music Publishers
Sep 24 2021 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Casting Your Songs
Aug 19 2021 “Bring Me Something New”—What Song Publishers Really Mean
Jul 23 2021 What’s Hot—and What’s Not In Songwriting
May 21 2021 Are Your Songs Too Repetitious – or Not Repetitious Enough?
Apr 22 2021 Which Recording Mixes Do You Need to Increase Your Odds of Getting a Song Cut?
Mar 16 2021 5 Tips to Help Find Good Homes for Your Songs
Jan 19 2021 5 Tips to Rebound, Reset, and Reinvigorate Your Songwriting
Nov 19 2020 The Most Important Trait for Songwriters and Recording Artists - Persistence
Sep 24 2020 Using Chords and Modulations as Musical Hooks in Your Songs
Jun 25 2020 The 5 Skills You Need to Be a Successful Music Publisher
Jun 23 2020 How (and Why) to Rewrite Your Melodies
Jun 3 2020 When it Comes to Song Titles, Don’t Hit the Nail Too Squarely on the Head
May 22 2020 5 Tips for Making Your Lyrics Stand Out
May 19 2020 Writing Songs in Times of Crisis
Apr 23 2020 Tips for Livestreaming Your Music from Home
Feb 20 2020 What Makes a Song a Worldwide Phenomenon?
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