Photos of the Month: BMI Writer Vanessa Bley a Hit at Northside & New Music Seminar

Posted in MusicWorld on June 19, 2013

Broadcast Music, Inc. was proud to participate in the 2013 Northside Festival by hosting a Creators Lounge Kickoff Luncheon on June 13 at Mable’s Smokehouse in Brooklyn, New York. The event featured an interview and performance by BMI singer-songwriter and Beast Patrol band member, Vanessa Bley. Bley also participated in the 2013 New Music Seminar, sponsored by BMI and held in New York City, June 9 - 11. The networking seminar, which took place at the New Yorker Hotel, featured more than 150 industry leaders speaking on topics including music publishing, booking agents, independent labels and more.

SOURCEMusicWorld TAGS Beast Patrol Vanessa Bley


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