BMI @ SXSW: 9 Questions with JUMBO

Jumbo is a jangly alt-rock outfit out of Monterrey, Mexico, slated to perform at BMI’s SXSW St. Patrick’s Day showcase on Thursday, March 17 at 9:45 p.m. at The Ghost Room. Guitarist Flip Tamez and lead vocalist Clemente Castillo answered BMI’s rapid-fire round of questions about songwriting, heroes, and SXSW anticipation.
What’s the name of the first song you ever wrote?
FLIP: One called “Ella No Es”
CASTILLO: “Termina De Salir”
If you could only name one favorite songwriter, who would that be?
FLIP: Elliot Smith
CASTILLO: Jeff Tweedy
Use just one word to describe your own songwriting style.
FLIP: Mío (Mine)
CASTILLO: FolkSpaceyRock
What’s the one thing you can’t go to Austin without?
CASTILLO: Money to buy records and music gear
Who do you most want to hear at SXSW?
FLIP: The Strokes
CASTILLO: The Greenhornes & Brett Dennen
What’s your favorite venue to play?
FLIP : Stubb’s and La Zona Rosa
CASTILLO: The Fillmore in San Francisco
What YouTube clip best represents you?
Fuerza de la Gravedad
CASTILLO: I wouldn’t really say there is one…
Name five songs you wish you’d written.
FLIP: 1) “Pictures of Me,” Elliot Smith
2) “I am the Walrus,” The Beatles
3) “Misty Mountain Hop,” Led Zeppelin
4) “Mary Jane´s Last Dance,” Tom Petty
5) “Problem Child,” Doyle Bramhall II
CASTILLO: 1) “Finer Feelings,” Spoon
2) “Jesus Etc,” Wilco
3) “Inportuna,” Jorge Drexler
4) “Puente,” Gustavo Cerati
5) “Talk About the Passion,” R.E.M.
If you had to compose only one Tweet of advice for bands trekking to SXSW, what would it be?
FLIP: Forget the soundcheck, it’s gonna be alright. Estas en la capital mundial de la música en vivo!
CASTILLO: Keep Trying.
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