Big Kenny Spreads His Dollars at ‘Last Dollar’ Celebration
In the spirit of its honoree, the mood at the recent No.1 party for Big Kenny was a signature blend of exuberant and ambitious. BMI threw the country risk taker a bash to celebrate the Tim McGraw No. 1 “Last Dollar,” which Kenny penned all by himself. McGraw was on hand along with John Rich, a slew of Muzik Mafia cohorts, Alabama’s Randy Owen and Music Row revelers to toast Big Kenny’s first No. 1 single.

Kenny took advantage of the packed audience and announced his decision to donate $100,000 of revenue generated by “Last Dollar” to three charities: My Sister’s Keeper, Covenant House and Magdalene House. Each of the organizations was present to accept the gifts and educate the crowd.

The largest sum went to My Sister’s Keeper, reflecting Big Kenny’s dedication to exposing and ending the genocide in Darfur. In the fall of 2003, organization My Sister’s Keeper established a school for girls in the village of Akon, located in southern Sudan. The education offered is free and open to all young women of the region. Soon after its inception, the school’s population numbered 600 students, many of whom are the children of former slaves. Four years later, increased peace and stability in southern Sudan has prompted the return of numerous refugees. As of April 2007, 1000 girls attend the school. The teachers go unpaid, and the school lacks even the most rudimentary books, supplies and shelter.

About My Sister’s Keeper
My Sister’s Keeper (MSK) is a faith-inspired, multi-racial collective of women who work together to lend sisterly assistance to communities of women in various locations throughout the World. At present, they are focused on supporting the aspirations of women in the African country of Sudan. MSK exists to be a friend to these women and their children: We listen to their stories, we learn about their needs, and we support their aspirations for economic, educational and physical vitality.

About Covenant House
Covenant House is the largest privately-funded nonprofit agency in North and Central America providing shelter and other services to homeless, runaway and throwaway youth. It was incorporated in New York City in 1972 and has since expanded in the United States to Anchorage, Atlanta, Atlantic City, Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Los Angeles, Newark, New Orleans, Oakland, Orlando, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Washington, D. C., and, outside the United States, to Toronto, Vancouver, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua.

About Magdalene House
Magdalene House is a two-year residential community for women with a criminal history of addiction and prostitution. Magdalene was created to provide a sanctuary in Nashville for women in need of a safe, disciplined and compassionate community. Since its inception, 87% of the women who entered the program and stayed beyond three months remain in recovery.

Photos by Eric England
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