Jazz-Pop Vocalist Jacqui Naylor Performs for BMI Staff

Posted in News on August 17, 2006
Jazz-pop singer Jacqui Naylor dropped by the New York office to try out some of her new songs for BMI staff. The San Francisco-based vocalist and songwriter, who is about to launch her fifth CD, The Color Five, shines through jazz, pop and rock, while adding touches of gospel, folk, blues, and even a little humor into the mix.

Singer Jacqui Naylor (center) is pictured after her performance with
guitarist/piano player Art Khu, bassist Ugonna Okegwo, drummer Josh
Jones and BMI's Charlie Feldman. Photo by David F. Bills

The album boasts an eclectic yet seamless recording of five originals, five covers and five of her trademark "acoustic smashes," a technique invented by Naylor, where she sings a rock tune over a jazz standard or vice-versa.

SOURCENews TAGS Jazz Jacqui Naylor


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