Jazz Composers Workshop Application Instructions and Requirements

New people are added to both classes every year. There are a limited number of openings in the workshop, but the directors encourage all who are interested to try. Tuition is free; in return, regular participation is expected. Applicants must be 18 years or older.

The application package should include all of the following:

• Copies of 2 scores.

• Recordings of those pieces (CD, MP3 or MIDI).

• Completed Application

The deadline for submission of applications is August 25th.

Admission to the Workshop will be confirmed by the end of August.

Applicants may apply in one of two ways:

Apply online, where you can also upload scores (pdf’s, not notation files) and audio files,

or download the application and send it, along with the scores and CD, to:

Attention: Sylvia Santana-Vega
7 World Trade Center
250 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10007-0030