2009 Sundance Composers Lab Polishes Another Strong Class - July 2009


August 25, 2009 Pictured at the 2009 Sundance Composers Lab are (front row) Fellow Kim Carroll, advisors Tracy McKnight and Doreen Ringer Ross, with Fellow Magda Giannikou; (back row) Sundance Institute Film Music Program Director Peter Golub, with Fellows Lili Haydn, David Poe, Christopher Lord and Chanda Dancy. For two weeks in late July at the Sundance Resort in Utah, Fellows collaborated with filmmakers from the Sundance Institute Feature Film Program and studied under the direction of advisors, comprising the industry's leading film composers and film music professionals. (Photo by )

TAGSPhotos Film & TV Park City Sundance Carroll, Kim Dancy, Chanda Giannikou, Magda Golub, Peter Haydn, Lili Lord, Christopher Poe, David

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