Songwriter Business News: Vol. 14, 8.12

Important stories for working songwriters:
Over two years, Blurt asked iconic artists for their best advice about making it in music.
Time analyzes the science behind what makes music scary, using legendary composer John Williams’ score for Jaws as the ultimate example.
Not so fast: Slate points out the problem with studies of music.
Read Obama Intellectual Property Czar Victoria Espinel’s A2IM Keynote Address, courtesy of
The Village Voice kicks off a new advice column just for musicians: Fan Landers.
Did you use Kickstarter to fund your album? Record a quick video offering advice to others looking to do the same, and submit it to the site.
Digital Music News compiles Chuck D’s tweets offering tips for a successful music career.
Spin analyzes two current chart trends: retro and really, really new.
Musician Alex Chadwick plays 100 famous guitar licks in one take. Watch the video, courtesy of MSNBC.
Music makes employees more productive, according to this study analyzed by Businessweek.
Wired compiles a list of new gear that will help you put your best face forward online.
In a New York Times op-ed piece, columnist David Brooks argues art’s value hinges upon its particularity.
Atlantic Cities asks: Where are the highest concentrations of creative professionals in the country? Surprise: LA, New York and Nashville didn’t make the top 20.
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