Songwriter Business News

Important stories for working songwriters:
The Future of Music Coalition offers advice about how to choose a business structure for your band.
NPR intern Emily White sets off an online debate by writing a blog about her music library and buying habits.
Musician and professor David Lowery responds to Emily White’s blog by emphasizing the importance of compensating creators in The Trichordist.
Salon analyzes the White/Lowery debate.
Spotify has expanded its offerings to include free mobile radio for the iPhone and iPad. Ars Technica reports. recaps a panel at New Music Seminar discussing how new music is discovered today.
In their Dream Big series, American Songwriter interviews successful music industry pros including Kickstarter’s Kendel Ratley, who offers his take on artists’ current tools for self-promotion.
Wired documents how music evolves from noise.
Digital Music News explores reports that the concert industry is growing.
Forbes lists “six enemies of greatness.”
Young listeners choose streaming music over buying it. CNN explains.
New York Times profiles website Artists Wanted and the business of discovering creators online.
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