New Digital MusicWorld Issue: Top 7 Videos of 2011 and More

Check out the last BMI MusicWorld digital issue of 2011, featuring…
Seven 2011 Video Clips You Don’t Want to Miss: Throughout the year, BMI captures exclusive moments on video. From sharing a career high with Lady Gaga to advice from pop master David Foster to a mad dash through SXSW with Welsh phenom Bright Light Bright Light, we’ve picked our 7 small-screen favorites from 2011.
Crowded Holiday Film Season Keeps Composers Busy: “On the surface, ‘Dragon Tattoo’ feels like it explores dark territory,” says the film’s composer Atticus Ross. “But once it got going you realized what a complicated piece it is…you’ve got urban, you’ve got the countryside, you’ve got today and you’ve got the historic. It really has been an incredible amount of work.”
Spotlight on First-Time BMI Songwriting Award Winners: We catch up with Shy Carter, the Band Perry’s Kimberly Perry, Alex Cuba and Alex da Kid to find out what winning your first BMI songwriting award feels like. Says Alex da Kid: “When you work for a long time to achieve something, and then get recognized for attaining that goal, you appreciate it all the more.”
Foster the People: “It is as though Mark Foster’s name is lent to Foster the People’s moniker not only to stake a claim, but also to state their purpose – to “encourage” or “nurture” the public to rebel against convention through any means necessary. Everyone, grab your torches.”
With profiles of fast-rising pop and dance artist Chris Willis and Regional Mexican music songwriting super duo Los Juanes, as well as a look at the BMI Holiday Countdown, featuring James Brown, Mariah Carey and more.
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