Indie Spotlight: Julia Weldon

Don’t let the Justin Bieber comparisons fool you – Julia Weldon’s name has appeared in conjunction with the teenage pop star solely because they share a very similar haircut (so much so that she once won $300 at a look-alike contest). But Weldon’s music is something different, more in the vein of the blues-infused contemporary folk music of Cat Power, Iron and Wine and Suzanne Vega. Her new album Light is a Ghost, produced by Saul MacWilliams (Ingrid Michaelson, Dan Romer) and now available on iTunes, comes five years after her self-titled debut, and it’s evident Weldon has grown confident in her guitar playing and in her lyrics. Song after song, she reveals the complexities of human relationships in thoughtful, heartfelt musings and cautionary tales of what it means to be yourself in the world.
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