Change of Address

What you should know about keeping your contact info up-to-date with BMI.

When you move without notifying BMI, we cannot send you correspondence or royalty payments until we receive the updated information. There are two options for supplying BMI with this information.

Option 1: Process Online

Log in to your account at BMI's Online Services.

Login Now or Create an Account

Option 2: Download the form

Download the Change of Address form. Return the completed, signed form to your local BMI office.

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Did you know that your royalties can be escheated?

What is escheat?
Escheat, often called abandoned property, is the concept by which a company that pays out money, such as BMI, is obligated by law to remove unclaimed funds from its books on a regular cycle (usually 3-5 years) by sending it to the state of the last known address of the payee. The person whose money it is then will have to claim it from the state.

What happened to the money that BMI escheated because it took me too long to update my address?
Royalties, once escheated, cannot be reclaimed by BMI. Although BMI can tell you how much was escheated and where it was sent, you must contact the state unclaimed property office in order to retrieve them. Therefore, it is imperative that you notify BMI about your change of address as soon as possible to avoid us escheating any of your royalties. For additional information find your local Unclaimed Property Office.

What happens if the affiliate is now deceased?
Please visit our Estates page for matters dealing with deceased members.