Report Classical Music Performances

Guidelines for Reporting Domestic Live Classical Performances

For concerts occurring within the United States and its territories—please send in concert programs with your name circled, and make sure your submission includes the following information:

  • Date
  • Venue
  • Performer(s)
  • Title of work (if an excerpt is performed, please add the title of the complete work)*
  • Composer
  • Presenting organization

*If all other information is complete title may be added manually.

If the performance is a premiere, include a premiere report form.

Reporting by Email

If reporting by email, please send programs as attachments (PDFs preferred) to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

You may report multiple performances in one email with each concert as a separate attachment. Label your files in a clear manner and include a relevant subject line.

Reporting By Mail

If reporting by mail, send programs to:

BMI Classical
7 World Trade Center, 30th Floor
250 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10007-0030

We strongly recommend using a mail service that includes delivery confirmation.

October 15 is the deadline for submitting programs. This is the post-mark deadline if you are mailing programs.

The live classical concert season runs from September 1 through August 31 annually, with the reporting deadline about six weeks after the end of each season. Royalties are distributed in August of the following year.  Works must be registered in order to receive payment.

Do not use BMI Live to report classical performances. If you are unsure whether your concert meets BMI’s definition of classical please send details of the performance to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Guidelines for Reporting International Live Classical Performances

Report all international live classical concerts within six months of the performance date. Send in concert programs with your name circled, and make sure your submission includes the following information:

  • Date
  • Venue
  • Performer(s)
  • Title of work (if an excerpt is performed, please add the title of the complete work)*
  • Composer
  • Presenting organization

*If all other information is complete title may be added manually.

Include the international report form and send as a single PDF file to: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). We strongly recommend using email reporting if possible.

If you must report by mail, please use a mail service that includes delivery confirmation. BMI will not confirm receipt of mailed-in materials.


What To Do If You Don’t Have A Program

If you are unable to obtain a concert program (and we understand why this is sometimes difficult), we accept other forms of third-party documentation as long as it includes the following information:

  • Date
  • Venue
  • Performer(s)
  • Title of work (if an excerpt is performed, please add the title of the complete work)
  • Composer
  • Presenting organization

Examples of acceptable documentation include but are not limited to: a concert announcement or flyer, a published review, a publisher’s rental notice, or a letter from the presenter listing all of the above information.

Types of Performances to Report

Please Report

  • Live concerts in the United States where admission is charged, performers are paid, or where the presenters/producers are paid or receive funding to produce the concerts
  • College performances such as orchestra, band, chorus, new music ensemble, other large ensembles of the school (i.e., percussion ensemble), faculty and guest artist recitals, and performances presented as part of a college or university performing arts series, regardless of whether admission was charged or not
  • Live foreign performances of any sort (each society will or will not pay royalties based on their own guidelines)

Do Not Report

  • Radio broadcasts
  • Tapings or readings without an audience
  • Grand rights performances, including opera, ballet, dance, musical theater, or other dramatic performances, including incidental music in plays (grand rights are not licensed by BMI; rather, they must be negotiated between rights-holders and presenters)
  • Student degree recitals at colleges and universities
  • Religious services
  • Jazz or other non-classical music performances

Documents and Forms

Please do not submit the old “Performance Report Form” as we no longer accept it. In its place please submit documentation as described above.